Post By Lisa Walsh, Co-VP for Music For Dementia
Here is the link to the full article by Joe Graminga:
During the pandemic we have all experienced the detrimental effects of the lack of human interaction on mental health. Unfortunately, the isolation that resulted from COVID measures has greatly impacted residents living in nursing homes, especially those suffering from dementia. As in-person visits to residents, even from family members, continue to be restricted, our work as volunteers becomes even more important in a time such as this one.
Below are a few key passages from the article.
One of the biggest ways COVID-19 has affected the lives of dementia patients is in how it impacted long term care facilities. These patients are at a high risk of developing serious complications due to COVID-19, but they must remain in these facilities to manage their other health conditions.
Beth A. Kallmyer, MSW, vice president of care and support for the Alzheimer’s Association remarked that “59,000 residents and employees of long-term care facilities have died as a result of COVID-19, which is 42% of all U.S. deaths.”
Additionally, these patients are put into social isolation, which can lead to cognitive decline. Jicha also noted that “[hes] had over 25 of my patients die in the last several months of [Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias]. [He has not] not had one pass from COVID-19
Therefore, long term care facilities have been successfully working to provide COVID testing to residents and faculty to make sure that patients are remaining safe while receiving treatment that includes interactions with others.